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Haizhu Public Library Guideline

Release Time:2017-01-15  Return

1,Haizhu Public Library open to public for free. 

2, People holding a validreader's card and walk in Haizhu Public Library, using the machine, equipmentor service, all belonging to Library. 

3, Reader should follow the rules ofHaizhu Public Library. 

4, during the opening time, reader should walk intolibrary with a valid card by following . 

5, Readerdresses appropriately and behaves in a becoming manner. 

6, Take care of yourown belongings, keep the senior or children with you. For disabled please feelfree to ask for assistance. 

7, Please keep quiet once you walk in the readingarea. Remember to put your electronic equipment on silent, walk out to makephone call. 8, Please wait in the queue when busy. Readers should follow theinstruction of the librarian and evacuate in order in emergency case.

 9, It isforbidden to hold any party breaking the rules and laws. Without approval ofthe Library Administrative Department, any posters, advertisements or sellinggoods will be persecuted. 

10, Pets and animals are not allowed in library,except guide dogs and other service animals.

 11, Bringing combustibles andexploders into library is strictly prohibited. 

12, Donot smoking or naked light. 

13,running, chasing, playing and shouting are not allowed in library. 

14, pleasedo not spit, do not litter on the floor, no eatting. 

15, Reader shall notimpedeor obstruct the staff from executing their duties. Do not disturb otherreaders' general activity. 

16, Please cherish communal establishment,not to mangle literature resource. Not proper use of the equipment of librarymight cause physical injury to others, the one shall bear responsibility. Anydamage to the equipment, please compensation according to price. For the peoplewho got book damaged, soiled or stolen, refer to specific practical operation to deal with. If the bell rang when crossingthe security door, readers are expected to cooperate with the working staff. 

17, The whole library refuses to provide service for those who use insulting ordegrading language or put down person in any way. Reader does not comply withthe rules will be escorted out of library. Reader can face limited access tolibrary in serious cases, you should be followed the legal consequences ifageists the law. 

18, Haizhu Public Library reserve the right to change thespecifications according to the law. All the specifications are subject toHaizhu Public Library web .